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It's estimated that poor housing conditions in the UK cost as much as £2.每年50亿. 国民保健制度制定了支持健康住房的新举措, but policy makers and organizations must address these issues holistically in order for them to succeed.

By 还有马库斯·威尔希尔



2月26日,星期二 健康住宅和建筑全党议会小组(AAPG held a debate on the cost of unhealthy housing in Westminster Hall, based on a 白皮书 于去年秋天早些时候出版,AG平台对此有贡献. The 白皮书 up for debate addressed numerous issues relating to health and wellbeing in UK homes and buildings. 我们欢迎咨询小组继续与其他各方合作的做法, and we would hope a key part of future engagement would integrate homes and buildings as part of a much wider system that supports health and wellbeing initiatives.

在设计这些建筑时要考虑到健康, 日光, 温度, 室内空气质量, 内部布局, 空间补贴必须从整体上考虑. 所有这些因素都能影响积极的健康和幸福, 反过来, 支持社区过上更健康的生活. 然而, the internal environment of a home or building cannot be isolated from the external environment. Nor can you expect healthy homes to automatically lead to healthier citizens without putting the conditions in place to encourage healthier lifestyles. Both of these factors must be considered alongside our homes and buildings themselves and we look forward to further collaborative work, including with other APPG’s that are examining improvements in the external environment.

这场及时的辩论与最近发表的 NHS长期计划 which places an increased focus on population health and includes new commitments to prevent ill health. Supporting health and wellbeing through home and building improvements clearly connects to this plan as well.

政府承诺平均建造300座,每年新建房屋1000套, 这是跨部门合作的真正机会, 创新, 以及健康驱动的设计实践来实现这一目标. Building regulation standards can be used to improve the emphasis on health and wellbeing in design, 这是值得探索的. 另外, incentive programs based on achieving new evidence-based standards like Fitwel or WELL could be considered to achieve higher standards in new homes or buildings.

The government has the opportunity to explore potential pilot programmes through channels such as the 国民保健制度土地处置方案. 在这个项目下, surplus NHS land is used to support new local housing needs through land disposals. Could this programme support 创新 and new approaches to housing design that achieves long-term value for the healthcare system through the conditions in which it sells the land?

最近成立的 NHS健康新城网络 of house builders and housing associations could provide a delivery route for such pilots on NHS surplus land, 鉴于他们致力于优先考虑健康和福祉. The network has committed to promoting the 创新s piloted in the Healthy New Town demonstrator sites within their own developments. Linking these networks to the disposal programme could lead to developing progressive healthier homes and buildings.

Without an incentivised pilot programme to support the growth of a central evidence base, there is little enticement for house builders to adopt such principles. 虽然有很多关于健康主题的指导, practitioners comment that ‘the lack of a centralised evidence base makes conversations about going beyond minimum standards a significant challenge’.

能否长期发挥作用 健康新市镇 initiative be to create a centralised base for assessment and collation of evidence and best practice? 这可能会在更长的时间内发生, and continually evolve and develop based on knowledge from completed and evaluated projects.

While the 白皮书 offers some welcome recommendations which could tighten building regulations to avoid harm, a more holistic approach that considers both internal and external environments should be part of any further dialogue and debate.


写的 贾斯汀•哈里斯
